New(s) this week: Feminists and the Environment Take the Biggest Hits

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Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh was sworn in as Supreme Court justice on Saturday, after an investigation was done for being accused of sexually assaulting Christine Blasey Ford. The Supreme Court now has a conservative majority, something that hasn’t happened since 1934. Many shared their thoughts on social media, including Ellen DeGeneres and Jim Carrey who tweeted their support for Dr. Ford.


The white police officer who killed 12 year old Tamir Rice while he was playing with a pellet gun, was re-hired in the same state of Ohio 150 miles away from Cleveland. Being suspended from the CPD was his only “punishment” for killing Tamir. Getting re-hired proves how the system fails to protect African Americans and POC.


A 24 year old woman was shot and killed in Brooklyn on Sunday night. At the time we discussed this in class, there wasn’t much information on who did it and why. Now, we find out it was her ex-boyfriend and father of her kids who shot her, in front of her mom. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and unfortunately this is still the reality for a lot of women in the world.


UC Irvine researchers were accused of mishandling six research animals. Four rabbits, one pig and one sheep died because they didn’t have the proper veterinary care and amount of anesthesia. If UC Irvine is responsible, they could be fined $10,000 for each animal. The more time that passes, the more that animal rights are finally becoming a priority.


The UN released a report on Monday that climate change is at its peak, estimating we have 12 years until the earth exceeds the 2.7 degrees F above normal levels. Greenhouse gas emissions is the leading cause to climate change, with animal agriculture being a big part of that. This will put us at a high risk for more droughts, floods, wildfires, and food shortages. This report will hopefully draw awareness to the issue, motivating the work that needs to be done as a society.