Where We Stand

   I recently read Where We Stand by Bell Hooks and I found it to be very insightful and their were a lot of things she talked about that I believed in to. Throughout the book she shares her perspective on how class relates to race and gender. She uses pieces of her life as an example to demonstrate her points.


What is wrong with us?

This has got to be one of my favorite topics she talked about because I think it is so true. She says that we only hang out with people based on class. If we are middle class we tend to surround ourselves with other middle class people and it is the same thing for upper class and lower class. She mentions that this is an issue because we are isolating ourselves and while being close minded we tend to prevent change from happening. She goes on to mention that we are afraid of helping those who are less fortunate because we fear turning into them. We have this idea of we become who we surround ourselves with. The problem with this is that there will always be an imbalance in class.


My Perspective vs Her Perspective?

I actually agreed with everything she was saying I caught myself reflecting back at certain situations that were memorable and I found similarities to what she was saying. For example the ideas that exist within society that the majority of people receiving welfare and other aid are people of color or other minorities. She talked about how no one will ever change this belief even though there are tons of successful people who have proven this idea wrong. Another thing that really stuck with me is that we use class to measure our success. I have grown up thinking that the house you have, clothes, cars show off how successful you were able to become.Why do we care so much because we tend to be very materialistic and for some reason people care more about what they have themselves as opposed to sharing their success with others. She mentions that upper class people tend to be very selfish and self absorbed and they feed off of the idea that not everyone can afford the things they have it is an ego booster.


Can take the girl out of middle class but you cannot take the middle class out of the girl

Bell Hooks accomplished to break the stigma that existed within her family and society as she is a very successful author, feminist, and activist she has managed to make it to the upper class level now, but she shared that she does not want to be like the selfish upper class she wants to change that. She said she wanted to use her success to help others and wants to try to make a difference. She said even though she is no longer middle class those experiences she went through and believes she was taught while she was middle class have followed her and she says she will continue to be the same caring and sharing person. She says she is just able to do more now because she has so much money to help now.

How can I take action?

There are various things we can do to remind people that stigmas that are associated between class and race are not true.


Be Open Minded

Not everyone will believe in the same things as you so do not fight them to change their perspective to yours. Educate them on your beliefs and why you believe it so they can learn about someone’s perspective.


Step In

If you ever find yourself in a situation where someone says a comment that relates to class and race do not be afraid to step in and let them know they are not true. Be sweet and understanding about it so the person you are talking to does not feel targeted.


Defy Odds

If you are someone who can relate to Bell Hooks help change the stigmas associated with class and race by defying the odds yourself. Be your success story and inspire others to do things that seem impossible.