Weekly news round up post


Today I will be talking about the news I presented in class I found a lot of interesting ones so I have a lot to say on all of them. So I found myself getting a lot of news that revolved around sexuality issues.

Curry Supports Female Athletes

My favorite story I shared was the one about curry fixing his curry 5 shoes to being available towards women. His fan named Riley wanted the shoes and her dad was going to buy them for her. However he saw they were only for boys so she wrote a letter and her dad tweeted it out to him. Curry actually saw it and made changes and is working with under armour to make the shoes available toward females to. The reason why I think this is such a big deal is because he is a public figure. He is such a high influencer and I think it’s really cool that he cared about what his fans have to say because the majority of celebrities don’t. I think it is cool that he is making changes like this in particular because it shows his support toward female athletes. Him being a male with a high influencer he can influence other closed minded individuals to think of female athletes as well. By him doing something so small he is allowing for bigger changes.

Stop Victim Blaming

This news story got me so frustrated it was not good. It was an irish case that went viral when a 17 year-old accused a 27 year-old of raping her. The female was obligated to show her underwear in court and they used it as proof against her statement. They said that because the underwear was so provocative it was not rape she was looking for it. Ugh there is so much wrong with this. First of all woman can wear whatever they want and it never makes it okay to rape her ever. Second of all she had pants over her underwear which means the man had to take her pants to see her underwear which he did without her consent. This was so ridiculously frustrating that people shared their support and they started sharing their underwear pictures all over social media. This is not consent became instantly viral. I am just so sad there was no justice the guy went clean from I crime he should have paid for it is so frustrating to think about.

My Gender Does Not Define Me

A student from Osseo Senior High School was kicked out of the girls bathroom for being transgender. Now the reason why it is a big deal was because of the way she was kicked out. The footage shows that she was using the bathroom and the schools director is seen opening the bathroom stall door. Now the reason I believe she stopped and waited was because she saw the female was recording if not I think she would have pulled her out. I thought this was a violation of her personal space and it was so unnecessary. I get the school has regulations they need to follow but she is a minor and they needed to respect that and at least wait until after she was done to tell her anything. They did not face any issues which is frustrating to me because there was no justice for the student. I also feel like every other student is going to be in an unsafe environment where students can be attacked for being “different” and there will never be any repercussions.I hate when there is no justice and people just get away without any consequences. I feel like they are more likely to do it again which is very frustrating.