Think Pink

October to many people brings thoughts of fall, that cozy sweater you’ve been thinking about all summer, and halloween activities. People often associate fall, especially October, with autumn colors such as orange and reds. This October is meant to think pink.


October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. October is meant to capitalize on informing people of the signs, symptoms, and preventions you can take to keep yourself safe of cancer and educated. Millions of organizations team together in this international campaign in hopes of saving lives.


However, the issue surrounding this campaign is its lack of reach, and exclusivity of an audience. Many believe that breast cancer only affects middle aged women because doctors only require mammograms at the age of 50 if you’re not of high risk, meaning it runs in your family or you have symptoms.

Breast Cancer Survivor, Nicole

A common myth surrounding breast cancer is that it is gender exclusive, when it really is not. Breast cancer is gender inclusive. Breast cancer can affect many women and men at a young age, and can even come symptomless. Roughly 70,000 cases of breast cancer are diagnosed yearly for people aged 15 to 39 years old. Breast cancer kills more than 1,000 people under the age of 40 years old annually.


In order to protect younger individuals about the possibilities of breast cancer, it is important that they are equipped with tools to learn how to help themselves. Self breast examines are an efficient and a low cost way to make sure your breasts are healthy. With constant issues surrounding affordable healthcare in the United States, at home breast examines can help individuals with their first steps in order to protect themselves.


Self breast examines are helpful because you can do them in the privacy of your own home, and efficient because they help you catch symptoms at an early, and usually treatable stage.


Get involved and get active. Educate your peers and family members about the steps they can take to prevent or catch breast cancer. Look into local events run nationally for breast cancer awareness.


Follow the steps below and give yourself a self examination today and remember to #ThinkPink!

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