The misinformation of Kelly Cadigan

Youtuber, FunkyFrogBait, is a female commentator who discusses comically in a youtube video about a transgender woman, Kelly Cadigan, who has been struggling to find her community in the LGBTQ+ and the conservative community by being seen as a “grifter.” FunkyFrogBait leads her audience towards the aspect of how Cadigan was unable to be forgiven not because she went with conservatives, but rather of how she reacted to a statement about slavery. In which case, she expressed slavery was also known to be accepted by the “slaves themselves.” The ‘tik tok’ conservative community did not take this lightly, as they would take her out of the community. 

This would be a serious point in recognizing that not everything in the media is taken lightly when discussing a certain topic and relevancy on how recently some people now have not been well informed on what they may discuss. When Cadigan is talking in a stream, she states that she just quickly read it in a news article of the Atlantic and did not really recognize until then the fact of putting out her statement that she should have probably not have said anything. She then tries to put on an act of being the victim for not really knowing what she was talking about and although that may have been true, she should have considered that the topic in which they were discussing was not really meant to be argued. She then showcases to the TikTok community of how she was trying to be in the LGBTQ+ community again, making her seem as if she is seeking attention and validation from the public.

I consider myself as a person who does not take social media as entertaining, but rather as loathsome apps where a bunch of young adults either want to connect with others or just use it to pass the time watching what others have posted. Social media already sits unwell with me, and perhaps other people, of just watching their phone and then posting about what they are doing semi-realistically in their life. This sits unwell with me because of how easily people judge others (please let’s not be kids and be honest, even kids have more honesty) and they do not really consider the help they may need instead. This was touched for a second in the video in which the youtuber lets the audience know she would agree in her having a healthy support of people who can help on what she calls “stop being a bigot.” Recognizing how the media quickly bombs a person instantly for a mere seconds long video of what she thinks or wants to put out into the world at that moment, demonstrates how people fall so easily for what they see in the media. When falling into the media rabbithole, people usually do not make the time to consider the person posting, even for how their life is going is not presented. Posting shows how we should, of course, think-before-we-act type of aspect in our life because everything stays in the internet and not really deleted or unseen, just not known.

The media controversy connects to class by having a social impact on consideration of acceptance of diversity. Cadigan creates in a way, a division and connection between women, as shown by FunkyFrogBait herself being against the way Cadigan is taking the situation she is in, but states she would consider helping Cadigan, if serious about changing her mentality. The video makes a positive social impact since women are supposed to stand together, but recognize when to call out someone and show some sympathy when appropriate. A diverse amount of people have jumped on the situation making the same stance of disagreeing in letting Cadigan go from the issue, having stated that actions will speak louder than words. The media, TikTok, shows diverse aspects of life, how people go through life, have their say, be seen and heard. But when hitting a high amount of views, posts can become controversial if continued attention, making communities and groups respond to the situation in a critical manner.