The Controversy Around Snow White’s Enchanted Kiss

“The Tale of Snow White,” a cherished classic Disney film, is full of enchanting details and
exquisite scenery. But lately, a specific moment in the movie—the kiss that awakens Snow White
from her enchanted slumber—has drawn much attention. The dispute brings up important
considerations concerning consent and how relationships are portrayed in the traditional fairy
tale in contemporary culture.
The passionate kiss that brings Snow White back to life is at the heart of the controversy. Since
Snow White is unconscious and unable to consent to the kiss expressly, critics draw attention to
the issue of consent. According to this perspective, the prince may have agreed, but he crossed
personal boundaries with his activities, even though they were done with good intentions. The
film’s biggest social issue is that it teaches kids that permission is optional in relationships,
although this is untrue. Consent and communication are essential components of every good
partnership. It is crucial to analyze this story in light of the historical context in which it was
written. They further claim that as fairytales frequently contain magical and fantastical
components, the movie shouldn’t be compared to real-world relationships. It is essential to
explain to kids why kissing someone without their consent is wrong because it gives them a
misleading impression of what a relationship should be like.
Parents become irritated because this movie goes against what they are trying to teach their
children. Furthermore, others argue that the story’s passive female protagonist perpetuates
traditional gender stereotypes. The dwarfs and the prince are presented as powerful, forceful, and
protective figures in Snow White’s life, but Snow White herself is portrayed as a kind, caring
person. The dwarfs adopt a protective and providing role for Snow White. This dynamic
reinforces the idea of male dominance and female dependence. This perpetuates the idea that
women are vulnerable and need male protection reinforcing the female dependency in the movie.
She frequently finds herself in certain situations needing rescue from the male characters such as
the dwarfs and the prince.
I believe that this movie does display an issue about consent and gender roles, but as long the
parent explains to their children the right and wrongs about relationships and giving consent
there is not an issue with this movie. There is no reason to revamp this movie because of it. It is
giving an opportunity to parents to carefully inform their children about this important topic in
today’s society. People are also criticizing the movie because the idea of Snow White’s
dependency on the male characters and true love is not “realistic” for this time anymore. We
need to enjoy the Disney classic as it is and stop seeing the negatives in the movie just because
that’s what is in now. We must see it as just a movie with a teaching opportunity for kids. He

brought her back to life so without the kiss, Snow White would have died. He kissed her with the
best intentions, and I do not see an issue with it.
The issue around consent is very understandable, but we as viewers, need to see this movie as a
teachable experience. No one should not be allowed to do anything without consent, but for the
sake of this movie being a fairytale, we need to see it as Prince Charming saving Snow White’s
life and nothing else. There is no reason to go to this crazy extent of removing the whole scene
from the movie and ride. It is just a conversation that needs to happen with kids.