Love It If We Made It


So recently the 1975 released their most recent album A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships which I thought was amazing if you do not believe me have a listen to it yourself and thank me later. Their was song that stood out to me mainly because it was such a daring song and the artist very elegantly tackles serious issues that have happened. He talks about politics,war, social injustice, prison systems and how it preys on young black people to keep  it self in business, the disrespectful comments donald trump has made and how we have the access to a significant amount of information which we have misused and has lead to distrust falsifying information with our outraged based society.

This song is about how scary our world has become because we as humans are failing and wrapping it up in a cute pop nonchalant culture and how we have been brainwashed and have been blinded from seeing reality of all the tragedies and injustice.We just wipe things off if it does not directly affect us. We also focus on stupid news like what celebrities dating who as opposed to be looking at real news like what’s going on with our earth. We have been having so many climate issues it is not even funny yet we are acting like nothing is going on. We are acting in a careless way and not taking care of our issues. We keep putting our problems and pushing them onto other generations.

This song was meant to serve as a hope song for our generation. When he says I’d Love It If We Made It he means to say that he hopes we survive all the terrible things that are going on. We have this tendency as humans to wait for tragedies to happen in order to react and start speaking up and taking action.  It’s about us having to be nice to each other and learning to coexist in peace and be nice to one another because if we don’t we will eventually be our downfall. We will eventually crash and burn because we need to work together to make things better. But if we are always treating each other like enemies we will never get ahead it’s like fighting fire with fire. Two wrongs do not make a right.

This song referenced a comment Donald Trump made he said, “I moved on her like a bitch.”

It’s about a young syrian refugee who died on the beach and the photo of the 3 year old it’s sad that we wait for tragic things like this to happen to start talking and taking action.

It’s about us finding a way to coexist in peace and be nice to one another because if we don’t we will eventually be our downfall.

So how can I make a difference?

  1. Be Kind: I know it sounds small but being nice to one another really is important we need to coexist in peace to stop the hate crimes.
  2. Accept One Another: One of the main reasons hate crime exists is because of our hate towards one another it is a shame and it truly has to stop.
  3. Be Open Minded: This may sound like an obvious one but you would be surprised how many people force their beliefs onto others. Instead of forcing it onto them share your beliefs allow them to share theirs and they might learn something new and might make the decision to change or not. Either way every person has the right to believe what they want.