Black Friday and Fast Fashion

Black Friday and the role it plays into fast fashion.


Hello again, I’m back to talk about fast fashion. Hopefully no one is tired or annoyed of this topic by now. Also, hopefully by all these blog post maybe you’ve learned something or became more aware of where you shop. Again, I’m not trying to make anyone feel guilty of where you buy your clothes, just more aware what it does!


Back to the main topic…


Ah, yes Black Friday. I’m sure many of you are familiar with it. Black Friday is basically promoted once Nov 1 hits. It’s essentially become like a second holiday (I guess?) after your Thanksgiving meal. At least it’s definitely become associated with Thanksgiving. In fact this year many brands have decide to say hey let’s get crazy and make this event (deals/sales mainly) before thanksgiving. I’m not sure if it’s to entice people to shop before and not go out Black Friday or just more money out of it. Let’s be honest here, the U.S. is so use to eating their dinner then get ready to spend their money in a crowded store with strangers, that it’s likely they won’t stop anytime soon. If you don’t what Black Friday is here is a HISTORY article on it’s origins. Basically  


Anyways, the point is I’m not asking you to not Black Friday shop. Especially since my family is huge participant in it, if I can’t stop then I sure as hell can’t stop you. What I can do is shed light to the role it plays with fast fashion and our capitalistic society.


Black Friday allows fast fashion brands to push out more product and slightly reduce the price. Sometimes they either offer a deal buy and get one 50 percent off. Point is that the deals aren’t usually worth it, but they make you think it is. You can find other deals/sales around the year if a bargain is what you’re trying to find.


I’m not trying to stop you from getting that Nespresso you’ve been eyeing or getting your kids that Christmas gift. I’m trying to entice you not to give fast fashion brands what they want. Clothes is usually what’s not that much on sale (from what I’ve seen at least).


Spend that Thursday night with your family instead if you don’t really need to buy anything! There’s always Cyber Monday and Giving Tuesday to participate in.


Also, you can shop small business that probably have equally good deals and will be less crowded.


I would like for you to let me know in the comments your thoughts on Black Friday and if you participated this year or not.

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