Big Dog Privilege: What It Says About Sexual Assault Today

By: Maya Romero embed this link)

In the world we live in sexual assault is a common and relevant fear. With this, a trend has emerged in which women share their privilege of feeling safe with big dogs. Scary/big dog privilege highlights the idea that when a woman has a large dog, she feels safe to do more, such as going out alone or walking alone at night. 

Regardless of what social media this trend is found on, the idea of using the protection of a “large dog” against sexual assault is the common theme that comes across.

What matters is not the type of media, but the way men have been responding. Throughout videos portraying girls walking their big dogs under the caption big dog privilege, there are dozens of comments saying things such as “dogs aren’t bulletproof,” “you won’t always have your dog” and “dogs can be put down.” The idea that these responses are the first reaction to seeing women feel safe in their environment is so concerning and opens the discussion for the bigger issue at hand. 

It’s a great trend, women sharing feelings of empowerment and opening opportunities for women to share their experiences. Despite this, the comments from men in these videos give way to a more pressing issue social media has presented, which is encouraging and spreading rape culture.

Under almost every video and article I found, women sharing how they have been told to their faces why they shouldn’t feel safe was a common occurrence. Rape culture is the idea that societal norms normalize sexual assault and abuse, perpetrated through things such as locker room talk and sexist jokes. Because of the large platform and endless reach social media provides, sexist and harmful comments are easily spread and backed. Going on social media and reading or posting these comments not only harms those who come in contact but also the way that others live their lives and treat women. 

This is only one of many trends that highlights the way rape culture is encouraged within social media. Even if seen as a joke, simple comments can easily lead to harmful actions. Women deserve to be able to share their experiences, how they feel safe, and other ways for other women to feel safe without being persecuted. 

Sexual assault is a way for men to intimidate and dominate women, and the way that these comments spread through social media highlight this concept. In one personal story I found, a woman was assaulted with her dog near her. She acknowledged that no matter how safe you may feel, sexual assault and the way it is encouraged and spread is always an issue. Despite this, her one takeaway was that women should continue to share their stories and do what they need to feel safe, regardless of what others throw at them.

What you can do

While social media can commonly be used as an outlet to encourage rape culture, it is also a way to spread activism. Because of its tremendous outreach, social media can act as a place to combat negative stereotypes. One of the biggest ways to combat rape culture is to point it out and create an environment of positive speech. Social media provides women the opportunity to share their tips and tricks, such as how they feel safer walking with big dogs. Continuing to share stories and experiences while pointing out wrongdoings and inappropriate comments gives way to a new age of social awareness.