The N(o you can’t say it)- Word

Man wearing purple sweater making silent hand sign
Photo by Ocean Biggshott

It’s a little ridiculous that we’re so far into 2018 and we still have to remind people that they can’t say the N-word. It’s as simple as abc…if you’re not black…DON’T say it. And yes, rapping it also counts.

It is so uncomfortable to hear this word being shouted at the top of everyone’s lungs at a frat party or even at music festivals that are majority non-black folks. You can feel the collective cringe when people shout it.

I get it, when you’re partying and rapping along you sometimes don’t catch yourself. But some part of your brain is working to remember those lyrics so maybe try a little harder to stop yourself especially knowing it’s coming. It doesn’t take much to just take a pause and continue.

Just because you have black friends who say it’s ok for you to say it, doesn’t mean it’s ok. They aren’t representative of all black people and there are thousands of black people who don’t feel comfortable with non-black people saying it.  

Let’s talk history for a second. This word was the derogatory slur created by white people  that they used to refer to black people in the times of slavery. So if you still can’t see why this might make black people uncomfortable, especially coming out of the mouth of a white person, then you should probably check in with yourself.

Black people have one of the longest racial injustice histories in this nation. And when they FINALLY have something of theirs -mind you something that was used to dehumanize them that they chose to reclaim- white people and non-black people of color are screaming injustice for not being able to say it.

Now, let’s talk reclaiming. To reclaim a word is the act of taking a word that was once used as a slur or derogatory term, usually as a form of oppression against marginalized groups, and changing the narrative to make it useable. In a sense, taking away the power from those who choose to use it as so.

Marginalized groups get to reclaim words.

Some common examples are the words queer, bitch, and the N-word. I can say queer and bitch because I am both bisexual and a woman (this is not me saying women are bitches, this is just me saying I can use it), but I can’t say the N-word. Do you see how this works?

To all my non-black people of color. You can’t use it either. Yes we are also often discriminated against but the N-word isn’t ours to reclaim. A lot of our communities still have a lot of anti-black sentiments so to think we’re entitled to use the word is just adding insult to injury. Our focus should be a lot more on how to be allies to the black community, rather than whine and complain about not being able to say a word.  

Rapper Amine himself is tired of hearing this word come out of non-black folks mouths and started calling people out at his shows and even changing lyrics in his own music to tell people it’s not ok.

It’s time to start checking people and calling them out. It doesn’t hurt anybody to check in with yourself for problematic behaviors. We’re all old enough to understand we shouldn’t say it so why do we continue to do so? If you’re not black, stop saying the N-word!

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