The Last Day for Voting Registration in California is Today

The last day of registering to vote for the State of California is upon us.


As time dwindles down to 2 weeks before the midterm election on Nov. 6, I urge you to vote. Electronically, registration must be submitted by midnight tonight. This means that you will only be registered to vote if you have your mail “postmarked by Oct. 22 or delivered by hand to your local registrar’s office,” by today before the post office closes. The internet has a world of information at our fingertips, so just look up how to register online in your county, or for our local Butte County, please click this link.

“If you control Congress, you control the country.”‘- Yara Shahidi


So why is voting so important? We did have our primary election in 2016, but midterm voting happens in the middle of our current president’s term. With the demographic of young voters increasing exponentially, this is our opportunity to change our local government and essentially the federal government. Let’s look at this voting opportunity for millennials as a redemption round for our poor turn-out rates for last midterms, and the last election.

To touch on a few positions we can vote on; Gov. Jerry Brown has served his max amount of terms so our Governor’s seat is up for grabs. Gavin Newsom is representing the Democrats for this running but he may not be the democrat in shining armor we were hoping for. Newsom was caught up in a sexual misbehavior scandal last year, which creates another aspect when voting for the Governor on Nov. 6. Republican John Cox was endorsed by Donald Trump which helped his rise in the ranks for this election from the Republican Party, but this endorsement may have negative results based on California’s blue streak.

The Senate seat that is up for grabs and it essentially is a Democratic race between the 25-year seasoned Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Sen. Kevin de León, who was endorsed by the Democratic Party. This is interesting because Dianne Feinstein has been a favorite for two and a half decades, but León has fought hard for immigration protection laws in California. Feinstein stated recently that she would “reopen” the Kavanaugh case for a more in depth investigation, which shows her stance on sexual misconduct and how she may have handled the limited investigation (take everything with a grain of salt people.)

Californians whole heartedly rejected Trump in this past election, but now is our time to infiltrate congress and create an balanced House of Representatives and Senate, which is Republican dominated right now ( as well as the Supreme Court, but I am not opening that can of worms).

This is our opportunity y’all. Not only to register, but this is our opportunity to do make waves within our own local government on laws that affect us more prominently than federal laws. Talk about the Midterms with your family, friends, ponder other perspectives, even try to read the newspaper from now to Nov. 6 as a challenge!

To stay informed on the midterms and what is up for change, click this link and read about changes you can vote on.

Our voices may be a hair of a whisper alone, but if we work together our elected officials won’t be able to hear over this storm.

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