Stitched Up The Anti-Capitalist Book of Fashion

Black and yellow runway book cover of stitched up
Stitched Up

Stitched Up The Anti-Capitalist Book of Fashion by Tansy E. Hoskins. A book that talks about every terrible aspect the fashion world participates in. For the past few post I’ve made they have been about fast fashion and sustainable fashion, so that inspired me to read this book.

The book doesn’t focus a lot of its efforts on sustainability, instead it focuses on the capitalistic side of it all (duh). The book talks about how fashion has shaped us into a consumerist society that believes we need every latest fashion trend.

A fun fact about the author is that Hoskins actually has nothing to do with the fashion world. Knowing that made me a little sad, I hoped that someone in the fashion industry would find the courage to call ‘them’ out. That didn’t take away from her credibility. As you read you appreciate all the efforts she does to show the negative impact the industry has on our society. 

The book touches upon many issues like:

    • Racism
    • Sexism  
    • Classism
    • Gender stereotypes  
    • Effects on third world countries
    • Body image
    • Consumerism
    • Exploitation

I wasn’t exactly ready for the ‘tea’ this book would ‘spill’. In the back of my head I subconsciously knew about these terrible things, but a part of me chose to ignore them. I did this for three main reasons. First reason, I didn’t want to be in that ‘ok I know this but what can I really do about it’ situation. Second reason, is that a lot of the terrible things the fashion industry does I’m a victim of. For example, the sexist ads that they put out there effects me and the way society sees women. Third reason, I didn’t want to believe something I love and hold dear to my heart does so much harm to the world.

The book does end on a hopeful note and it shows us what we can do to change the fashion world.  

I highly recommend the book, it’s a lot to take in but the information is worth knowing. After you read the book you feel enticed to take a stand against the fashion industry. 

After finishing the book I realized a lot of oppression is intertwined and fashion is huge contributor to the oppression people face. Fashion is a medium of many evils, but it can still be reformed by us. Like all business the fashion industry only listen if  their customers ask for a change. In the end they just want us to be happy so we give them our money. 

I’ll leave a fashion blog that has great tips on curating an ethical wardrobe. I also leave video about the rise of thrifting. These are some ways to help you slowly stop participating on what the fashion industry does. 

Fashion – WEAR I LIVE

The Rise of Thrifting – Tiffany Ferg

I’d like to know what you think about the fashion industry and their practices, comment down below your thoughts!