Self Care Tips For Finals Week

The weeks in between Thanksgiving and Christmas break can be overwhelming for college students. Some are filled with anxiety over what grades they might be getting. Others struggle to stay motivated because all they can think about is getting a month off from homework and exams. No matter what, finals week causes extra stress for everyone. It might seem trendy to over work yourself, drink 10 cups of coffee and live at the library, but remember that it’s OK to take care of yourself throughout your final exams and projects.

Here are six tips to consider practicing during finals that can help you stay healthy and focused.

Plan ahead

This is one of the easiest things you can do to give your brain some clarity. If you write down everything you need to do, you can check it off your list as you go. This way you’re holding yourself accountable to get things done. I like to finish my lengthy work first, and save the easier things for last. Depending on how much I need to do, I also like to set a goal for a number of assignments to get done that day.

Don’t isolate yourself

Studying doesn’t have to be boring. Link up with your friends, go to the library, a local coffee shop or someone’s living room and study together. Being around others that are doing their work will motivate you to do yours. Personally, it helps me when I know I’m not the only one with so many big assignments due. Being with friends also makes it easy to de-stress during study breaks.

Move your body

Exercise is not what you’re worrying about during finals, I know this, but it can help you stay focused and refreshed. According to healthline, working out helps prevent stress, depression and anxiety; these are all the things you’re more susceptible to during finals week. If you’re thinking you don’t have the time for this, all you need is 10-15 minutes. You could go for a walk, a quick run, or have a dance party at home.

Health is wealth

Fast food and unhealthy snacks are most students’ go-to because they can be quick and affordable. The downside is your body has to work harder to break down fast food, leaving you feeling tired and drained. This finals week, try going the healthier route and watch yourself feel more energized for your study sessions. Try eating whole foods, fruits/veggies and less processed foods if you can. Going to the market and buying these things is actually cheaper than eating out every day. If you have to eat out, my favorite cheap and healthy spots are Greens at the marketplace, Subway or Chipotle.

Go to sleep

College culture likes to romanticize pulling all nighters, drinking so much caffeine, and doing the most all for finals. Team no sleep, pain is temporary gpa is forever, no days off, we’ve heard it all. I blame part of this on social media, but it’s really not that serious. Loss of sleep can be the reason you don’t do well on finals, because it affects your memory and concentration. If you plan ahead, you can be well rested the morning of your exams and presentations.


If the end of the semester is really making you feel anxious, depressed or suicidal, the counseling center at Chico State has drop-in hours for crisis situations. Other schools should have the same. You can also reach out to your professors who will almost always be supportive and help out how they can. A letter grade doesn’t define you and shouldn’t make you feel so out of it. Don’t hesitate to reach out if that’s what you have to do.