Raising Awareness or Raising Stocks?

A graphic of a sneaker being set on fire in response to the Nike partnership with Kaepernick

After news broke out about Nike’s partnership with controversial ex NFL star Colin Kaepernick, people were not sure how to feel. Is this a publicity stunt? Is this just to raise awareness or to raise stock?

Those who did not agree with Kaepernick’s protest during the national anthem and found it offensive, were very angry with the partnership and began burning their Nikes. Nike stocks began dropping, and people were wondering if this was a huge mistake to pair with someone who sparks controversy and stands for something many disagree with.

The advertisement was released on September 5 2018 dropping jaws instantly. The commercial featured many People of Color, a woman wearing a hijab, people with disabilities, and many more than are represented in your average ad. This was the most inclusive ad many had seen, and encouraged people to follow their dreams no matter how crazy it seems, or who attempts to knock you down along the way. However, the ad did not mention the product itself, or Kaepernick’s cause and controversy.

The ad shocked people everywhere, and even brought tears to eyes. Stocks jumped back up instantly, and people began buying more nike’s despite the ad never outright advertising any products. Twitter blew up with people tweeting and retweeting praise about the ad. Some veterans tweeted how Kaepernick’s cause did not offend them and they praised both the athlete and nike for the ad.Nike’s market value is now a whopping $6 million dollars, all because of the ad.

Nothing has been released since the ad in early September. Neither Nike or Kaepernick have spoken about the ad. This makes me wonder what has this ad done for Kaepernick’s cause. He is known for being the Quarterback who knelt during the national anthem, in protest of police brutality and violence against African Americans.

His platform as an activist has skyrocketed and has opened up in so many ways, because good or bad, press is press. He was a household name and even myself, someone who does not bat an eye at football, knew exactly who he was and the team he played for. I knew and appreciated his cause, because social injustice is a massive problem in this country.

I was so excited when news broke of the partnership between the athletic apparel company and the athlete turned activist. However the ad has left me wanting more and wondering if this was just a way to make money. It has been almost a month since the release of the ad and there has been radio silence from both parties.

I want more than anything for this partnership to change lives and shake up the status of people of color in this country. Everyone has a voice, and a man who was just a quarterback used his for people who got theirs taken away from police violence. Please Nike and Kaepernick use this partnership to create and promote change, donate proceeds to victims, support more activists, just do something. America and I are waiting to see progress and progression, and literally, the ball is in your court.

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