New Portrayals of Family Structure in Media

By, Mohammed Almheiri The structure of family in the United States has been changing and the traditional nuclear family is not the only structure. In addition to the traditional, nuclear family, the prevalent and most common family structure is the single parent family. Single parent families today represent a significant proportion of families and living in or growing up in… Read more →

Raised by One, Brought Up by Many

By, Alexis Diaz The Vortex Regardless of the reasoning, single-parent households have always had a stigma around them. Such as the beliefs that the child is less watched over or that because a child grows up without a certain parent role present in their lives they are more likely to be gay. While society has evolved in attempting to celebrate… Read more →

More representation for LGBTQ+ couples in TV shows but how positive is it?

By: Marlyn Angeles In today’s depictions of families and parental figures, there are many shows that work towards incorporating different parent and family dynamics. However, along with this representation comes the many stereotypes that those that interact with same-sex couples, hold and use against these parents. Media has the opportunity to use these TV shows to shed light on the… Read more →

Support for the LGBTQ+ Community

By Owen Bister The LGBT community faces many struggles that are shared among other minority or under-represented groups, such as where they are going to live or where their next meal is coming from. There is a large population of LGBT youth that are shunned from their homes and cast out by their families, purely on the basis of sexual/gender… Read more →

Let Your Voice Be Heard

By Hunter G. “We get at the root of the problem — addressing gender inequality at its source.” Following the Weinstein effect and the #MeToo Movement, Time’s Up was created by Hollywood celebrities on January 1, 2018. Proving to be successful, this movement has gathered over $22 million for its legal defense fund as of December 2018. The announcement… Read more →