Appreciation vs. Appropriation

It is that time of the year again where everyone is looking for the perfect Halloween costume, so I thought I would talk about cultural appropriation vs. appreciation so that you don’t have to make the mistake of making fun of someone’s culture. While it may be just a fad for some, to others it is a part of who… Read more →

Graphic titled New(S) This Week

New(s) this week: Feminists and the Environment Take the Biggest Hits

Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh was sworn in as Supreme Court justice on Saturday, after an investigation was done for being accused of sexually assaulting Christine Blasey Ford. The Supreme Court now has a conservative majority, something that hasn’t happened since 1934. Many shared their thoughts on social media, including Ellen DeGeneres and Jim Carrey who tweeted their support for Dr.… Read more →

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Moms, Please Stop Defending Your Sons’ Trash Actions

This week’s post I was going to talk about ‘stanning’ problematic artist, but I felt the responsibility to talk about something more prevalent to what’s happening or what happened in our government recently. Specifically who got appointed to be part of the Supreme Court.     We know him, we despise him, Brett Kavanaugh. As if the news of him… Read more →

It’s not a Forever Thing

  Abuse, violence, and humiliation should never be confused with love. Sometimes that’s how people express their love, but that’s a different topic. October is Domestic Violence Awareness month and if you’ve been waiting for the right time to speak up, there isn’t a better time. Originally a 24 hour thing, according to the Domestic Violence Awareness Project, DVAM started… Read more →

Think Pink

October to many people brings thoughts of fall, that cozy sweater you’ve been thinking about all summer, and halloween activities. People often associate fall, especially October, with autumn colors such as orange and reds. This October is meant to think pink.   October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. October is meant to capitalize on informing people of the signs, symptoms,… Read more →

Get Sustainable On Campus – Chico State’s Zero Waste Week!

The first week of October held Chico State Associated Students’ Zero Waste Challenge. Students could not only learn about the small ways to become more sustainable on campus and in the community, but also engage in fun recreational activities that promote healthy lifestyles for both people and the planet. This challenge stems from Chico State’s constant efforts to be a… Read more →