Vote Because You Can

Vote Because You Can

I personally think it is important to vote especially because as a female at one point my opinion would not have mattered so I feel extra grateful to live in a world where I can freely vote, and in fact i’m encouraged to do so. In the spirit of voting season I decided to talk about women’s voting rights and how adding the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, which granted women the right has impacted change in women’s character and threatened men. I will also be talking about some attempts of revoking these amendments.


Voting Empowered Women To Fight For their Rights

Having voting rights has paved the way for women everywhere, because it gave us a chance. Giving women the right to vote allowed men to take women more seriously in the work environment as well. Women felt a lot more powerful and felt they had more value, therefore were more inspired to fight  for their rights. However there have been attempts to take away the right to vote.


Are You Seriously Trying To Take My Rights Away

Since voting rights were expanded there have been efforts underway to roll them back. Voter suppression, sexist, and racist, remarks have been infecting the electoral process, intentionally targeting likely Democratic votes. Especially the states with Republican governors and legislatures they have made continuous efforts to strip voters of their right to participate in the democratic process of voting, by restricting voting times, limiting voting locations and requiring very specific acceptable voter identification. These laws have disproportionately affected the poor, the young, the elderly, people of color and indigenous people. There has been a lot of conversations dealing with the right to vote while being a colored woman. North Carolina’s voter suppression law was meant to target African American Women.


I think overall voting is an important thing for both genders let’s be honest you are taking a chance, but it is worth it if it might lead to the change you want. How many times have you bought a  lottery ticket? How many times have you won? Has it stopped you from buying them frequently? No it hasn’t because there is a piece of you that has hope that you will win and be the one in a million. Well you’re one vote can be that one in a million it can be that one vote that can change an elections results. The problem with voting is people do not believe their votes count, but you shouldn’t think like that, because changes happen through actions not doubtful opinions. Vote because at some point your ancestors couldn’t having the privilege to choose to vote should be enough reason to vote.

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