Feminasty: What you should know

Feminasty hits you where it hurts if you are a woman because Erin Gibson dives into real issues we face today as women in a funny yet sadly accurate depiction.


She approached topics like Mike Pence in a hilarious matter, bringing up questionable things he has said in the past like when he “tried to redefine rape as “forcible” or “not forcible.”” (Feminasty, 18)


I really appreciated where Gibson pulled her stories from, and it was hard to be angry at these all too real topics because her added jokes and puns woven into the story. She includes 18 chapters/topics and covers #metoo, how the NFL does not care about your breast cancer, and even a chapter called “YOU ARE MORE THAN YOUR TANK TOP”, where she takes on the topic of new anchors and if clothing is appropriate or not.


“No woman, no matter how terrible, despicable, and hypocritical, deserves to be called a whore for what she’s wearing.” – page 233

“ It may seem like America is a uniquely misogynistic country whose hate is focused on female news anchors. But across the pond, things aren’t much better.” – page 23

“Here’s a sentence I thought I’d never write — PLEASE KYLIE, DON’T SELL YOUR COSMETICS BUSINESS! WOMEN NEED YOU!” – page 85


These three quotes may have been the top of 50 bitesize gems that I found within the pages of Feminasty. Gibson may be raunchy, may be sarcastic, but she really does hit home with clarifying so simply that no woman should ever be ashamed of her attire.

Gibson has a talent for pointing out misogynistic behavior within all aspects of a woman’s life and also fights back against the patriarchy in hilarious ways. When she explains in chapter 5 that men run “almost all” of the makeup industry, it was insane to think about and I thought she was full of it. As Gibson progresses in this enlightening chapter, NARS, Estee Lauder, Revlon, Bobbi Brown, even Rihanna’s Fenty is owned by a man. She enlightens us that Kylie Jenner and her mother actually broke into this multi billion dollar industry and that no matter how you feel about Jenner, she is really making strides in the makeup industry.