5 Tips For Sustainable Christmas Presents

It’s that wonderful time of year again! Christmas is the time for giving and receiving presents from our loved ones. It’s important to notice the gifts are environmentally friendly and usable for the long-term. Here is a guideline to presents that are eco-friendly and lovable at any time of year.


1. Give one good-quality, durable gift

Think back to your past Christmas gifts. Have you ever received presents that break easily? Many people get a number of presents that are junk and are ultimately tossed into the trash days after the holiday season. Instead it’s better to buy products that have long lasting durability, rather than products that are easily disposable.

To find a great gift, look for useful and practical gifts with long term usage. We’ve probably all received a Christmas-themed present that we throw out or save for the next year. Practical gifts are clothes, food, homeware or tools or personal care products.

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I believe gifting events during the holiday season are really great not only for the environment, but it’s a memory you’re giving to someone and memories can’t end up in landfill. The majority of gifts are thrown out or unused within the first year of receiving them, so this year I’m giving the gifts of events, such as a basketball game for my boyfriend and a concert for my mom because it’s something we can do together and doesn’t go to waste,” said Gabriela Sebastiano, one of the other bloggers on this collective.


2. Give a ‘Green’ Gift

A natural, organic or renewable gift is a great way to truly start the spread of sustainability. Not only are these great for the environment, but they are modern and refined gifts that look good in any home, such as:

– An organic cotton t-shirt

Metal straws

Patagonia Beeswax wrap

Metal chopsticks for sushi lovers

  • Locally made gifts support your local economy and helps the environment compared to buying from large corporations. You will share the love by directly endorsing the people in your community.
  • A recycled or up-cycled gift is one that will really make a difference like toys, clothes or accessories. Second hand items like vintage, ornaments or books make great memorabilia. Up-cycled items are known as creative reuses by transforming unused or unwanted products into new ones.
  • Gift a plant! Whether you buy a potted plant or make one yourself, these make great, eco-friendly gifts that look beautiful and natural in the home. Find them at Trader Joe’s or your local farmers markets.

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3. Give a Handmade Gift

Think about how happy our parents were when we gave them our handmade art project from class. People simply love gifts that are homemade and personally created for them, such as:

– An artwork or piece of craftwork

– Homemade jam or preserves

– Baked goods


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My sister and I made a present for my mom out of recycled food, a macaroni necklace, and she really loved it. It not only was sustainable, but brought her joy because of the thought of the gift,” said Zachary Adler, a student at Chico State.


4. Gift a Donation

Gifting to a cause or charity to a loved one’s choice is a genuine and impactful gift on both ends. There are hundreds of charities in the world and countless ways to make a difference. One of my favorites during the holiday season is Make A Wish Foundation.

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5. The Gift Wrap

It’s now the end of Christmas Day and there’s a big pile of wrapping paper on the floor. To avoid paper waste, try to purchase gifts with less packaging or instead of gift wrapping, save money and time by putting them into pretty, reusable bags.

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Here are more sustainable Christmas gift ideas!