Category: Weekly News

Do You Know Your Propositions?

Voting is tomorrow if you did not mail in your ballot, and the Midterms Elections are very important for your local government. Propositions directly affect the state of California, and there are a few that have layers and important aspects to both sides that one should be aware of.   What are the props to vote on? That is ultimately… Read more →

Graphic titled New(S) This Week

New(s) this week: Feminists and the Environment Take the Biggest Hits

Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh was sworn in as Supreme Court justice on Saturday, after an investigation was done for being accused of sexually assaulting Christine Blasey Ford. The Supreme Court now has a conservative majority, something that hasn’t happened since 1934. Many shared their thoughts on social media, including Ellen DeGeneres and Jim Carrey who tweeted their support for Dr.… Read more →