Category: Social Justice

Power to Justice

In a world where speaking up for what you believe has become the norm, women in the workplace are still struggling with unequal treatment and sexual misconduct. The phrase the “glass ceiling,” was coined long ago to describe the unequal treatment between men and women in the workplace. A huge part of inequalities women are faced with in a professional… Read more →

Picture of hands in handcuffs.

Standing in Silence

       In the year 2018, many of us are still shocked and disappointed that our president is, well, needless to say, the man he is. As activists across the country have been fighting for the past two years since the election to get him out of office, it is disturbing to know that men with similar allegations held… Read more →

Abolishing ICE is not the answer

Let’s face it, the movement “Abolish ICE” has been a complete mess and is getting us nowhere, fast. The truth of the matter is that ICE is not separating families at the borders. It’s not even enforcing immigrations laws on our borders, that’s the job of CBP, or Border Patrol. Yes, families are being torn apart and children are being… Read more →

computer screen with social media icons

Social Media Told Me First

We live in a world where social media not only exists, but is at the forefront of our minds and our daily routines. We used to receive our information at a slow pace, through the daily paper, which would often take days to report the latest non local news. Then the internet came and we could suddenly search for the… Read more →