Category: Social Justice

This is a picture of two hands behind a bar code as if it was a jail cell.

Philadelphia Eagles Fight Mass Incarceration

Mass incarceration is an ongoing issue throughout the United States, and Philadelphia has some of the highest incarceration rates in the country. Many of those incarcerated simply cannot pay their bail, so they are forced to live out their sentence in jail. Research from Princeton found that black defendants are more often than not subject to higher bail and longer… Read more →

picture of first thanksgiving

The Truth About Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Day, a humbling day that is most often spent with loved ones. The people you hold closest sit around a table and express their gratitude for one another by all gathering for dinner. Of course we all know why we celebrate this holiday, it was the day the pilgrims sat down with the Native Americans and shared a meal… Read more →

Our Families Divided

In The Country We Love written by actress Diane Guerrero tells a raw, horrifying, and grounding story of her childhood in the United States before and after the deportation of her parents. The novel covers her experience  of having to recreate her life as an abandoned child of immigrants, how her relationship with her parents shifted after they were deported… Read more →

black ribbon with words "end gun violence now"

304 in 312

It was the 312th day of the year, and the 304th mass shooting in America. Only eleven days after the largest mass shooting this year. How many more people have to die before this changes. When will people be able to feel comfortable going out to public spaces without the worry of being shot to death? We need gun control… Read more →

Find Your Safe Place

At the end of October comes many changes. The leaves fall, the clocks are set back an hour, and the air gets colder. With October coming to an end, so did Domestic Violence Awareness month. Domestic Violence awareness should not be limited to one month, but should be a topic of importance, everyday of every month.   The National Domestic… Read more →