Category: Social Justice

Characters from the show looking at each other with the text "Why queer representation is Important"

“San Junipero” Offers New Approach to Queer Representation

The sci-fi television series “Black Mirror” features different stories each episode, exploring technological advancements in our society and what the impacts of technology on our future may look like. Season 3, episode 4, “San Junipero,” presents a more optimistic view of what could happen with the evolution of technology. This episode offers a new, creative approach to queer representation in… Read more →

This is a picture of jail bars.

Women in Prisons

Women in Prisons There are many stats about women incarcerated in jails and prisons that are overlooked. Today, we will dive into the statistics on minority women and how women are treated in confinement. To give you an overview of how many women are locked up in the United States and where they are held, check out this graph: Not… Read more →

Self Care Tips For Finals Week

The weeks in between Thanksgiving and Christmas break can be overwhelming for college students. Some are filled with anxiety over what grades they might be getting. Others struggle to stay motivated because all they can think about is getting a month off from homework and exams. No matter what, finals week causes extra stress for everyone. It might seem trendy… Read more →

Give Us a Chance

Art Access for Minorities: A Thought Space It’s becoming clearer that we are all given different, and unequal opportunities. Often this conversation is placed in the context of going to college, securing a job, or basic living and eating necessities. We have a tendency to steer this conversation to the basic necessities of poor people because, it’s true, poor people… Read more →