Category: feminism

Three books with flowers poking out of them with a search bar in the middle with the text "The Harmful Reality of Colleen Hoover" in it.

The Harmful Reality of Colleen Hoover

Introduction: When the world shut down during the first waves of COVID-19 in 2020 many people were seeking different outlets to escape the reality that was our lives. Something that many people turned to was reading, and a big person that pushed that change was Colleen Hoover. So many people hadn’t picked up books since their last assigned reading in… Read more →

Sand One: Put Your Feelings in a Box

I think it’s safe to say everyone with a social media account has developed a connection with at least one influencer or content creator that they follow. Mine happens to be Sand One, a female Latina artist from East LA known for drawing dolls with big eyes and long lashes. Each Sand Doll has a unique name and story, but… Read more →

This is a picture of jail bars.

Women in Prisons

Women in Prisons There are many stats about women incarcerated in jails and prisons that are overlooked. Today, we will dive into the statistics on minority women and how women are treated in confinement. To give you an overview of how many women are locked up in the United States and where they are held, check out this graph: Not… Read more →

The Last Jedi: A Feminist Discussion

In this podcast, a special guest and I have a discussion on how we felt about the film “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” Everything we discuss can be further researched in the articles linked below. I recommend reading them, they are very interesting. I should say Spoiler warning for those who haven’t seen the film, but I mean, it’s on… Read more →

picture of elephant

How traveling made me a stronger feminist

By: Grace Gonzalez As the holiday season approaches, many people embark on new adventures to take advantage of the break. Whether some are just visiting family or travel for personal enjoyment, trips can shift your perspective in many ways. Thailand has become a hot spot for tourists because of how incredibly cheap everything is.  You can get cheap delicious food,… Read more →