Category: Environmentalism


“1.5 Stay Alive”

The Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change or IPCC released a very shocking statement somewhere around a week ago stating that instead of avoiding the initial two degrees Celsius, countries should avoid an increase of 1.5 degrees Celsius. An increase of said amount will be mostly catastrophic to small island states like: the Bahamas, Maldives, and the Marshall Islands. In Incheon,… Read more →

Get Sustainable On Campus – Chico State’s Zero Waste Week!

The first week of October held Chico State Associated Students’ Zero Waste Challenge. Students could not only learn about the small ways to become more sustainable on campus and in the community, but also engage in fun recreational activities that promote healthy lifestyles for both people and the planet. This challenge stems from Chico State’s constant efforts to be a… Read more →

California Bans the Sale of Animal Tested Cosmetics – A Win for Animals & the Environment

Governor Jerry Brown signed the California Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act on Sept 28, making California the first state in the US to ban the sale of cosmetics that have been tested on animals. Senate Bill 1249 makes it illegal for a company to import for profit or sell cosmetic items that have been produced using any animal test, including the use… Read more →

Enough with the Fumpkins

When I say Fumpkins, I mean fake pumpkins. And with fall fast approaching this is something we need to talk about. You may find this a silly topic, but it is so much more than a made up word. Y’all, farmers work hard all year round. They work 14 hour plus days to plant, grow, and harvest countless foods that… Read more →

globe on fire

Serve To Conserve

It’s hard to imagine climate change affecting us personally when we don’t seem to feel the effects around us. However, we do watch the stories on the news, hear the gasps of one’s in disbelief and feel for those touched by the natural disasters we’re facing in mass amounts today.   The conversation of climate change is not new, we… Read more →