Category: Environmentalism

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5 Tips For Sustainable Christmas Presents

It’s that wonderful time of year again! Christmas is the time for giving and receiving presents from our loved ones. It’s important to notice the gifts are environmentally friendly and usable for the long-term. Here is a guideline to presents that are eco-friendly and lovable at any time of year.   1. Give one good-quality, durable gift Think back to… Read more →

5 Holiday Gift Ideas That Give Back

Christmas over the years has gone from being a religious festival only for families willing to celebrate Jesus’ birth to a holiday of extreme materialism with most only caring about the superficial art of gift giving.  Well sense its apparently the season of giving not receiving, why not give a gift that also gives back? Spend your money on a… Read more →

A collage of fast fashion brand logos

Be Aware of Where You Shop

Who doesn’t love cute trendy clothes at an insanely affordable price? No one, right? Well the factory workers in third world countries and our environment doesn’t. I know one can easily get lured into these big brands at the mall or these up and coming online stores that sell clothes at a really low rate. You’re probably thinking there’s no… Read more →