What it’s like being an activist blogger

I’m not sure if this will be an ‘appropriate’ topic, but hey why not?

This will be my last post for the up and coming activist blog BYO Voice, so I decided why not make it about what it’s like to be an activist blogger.

I thought it would be insightful to let the readers on what it’s like to be an activist blogger, from my point of view at least.

This is still something very new to me, I’m learning as I go. Let me tell you, I’ve learned so much. It was a little draining actually, mentally at least. That’s also why I wanted to write on this topic. I’m the type of person to carry the world on their shoulders. Every time we would have a newsroom or talk about certain issues, I would automatically feel the need to do something to help or couldn’t believe how society is. This led to feeling like I couldn’t help much and kinda despising society. It took a little toll on my mental health to say the least (for me personally).

Now I don’t want to make this post seem that my experience as a an activist blogger was solely negative, on the contrary it’s helped me grow and made me more open minded about things. I know see both sides of issues instead of just my own.

What I want for people to get out of my experience is to take issues seriously and make yourself aware, but don’t be like me and feel the need that you solely have to fix institutionalized oppression and societal problems. Do what you can and I promise you that’s enough. It’s easy to get yourself into the black hole of issues this world has. You shouldn’t let it tare you down or make you feel like these problems won’t ever be solved. There’s so much good that comes out of activism, it leads the strides toward making a change in our society.

Many changes were made and a lot of feelings were brought to light, thanks to activist blogging. I realized I was angry and it was a justified feeling. It awoke my need to stand up for what I believe in. A thing I long repressed in the fear of being outspoken and being seen as an ‘angry feminist’. I just didn’t care about that anymore and wanted to take some sort of action. Also thanks to this activist blogging class I’ve been aware of my consumption and what I put out into the world. Shout out to one my fellow bloggers, thanks to her I went vegan, it’s been great. 

I love activism and blogging, I didn’t think those two could go together. Not for any particular reason, I just wasn’t aware of what exactly activist blogging is. Now I’m here, it’s helped me and I hope my post has helped someone or at least brought awareness.

This is a bittersweet moment, I’m glad I was able to partake in being an activist blogger.

Let me know your thoughts down below if you’ve ever felt the same, when it comes to knowing there’s so many social issues and not feeling like you’re doing enough.  I’d love to know I’m not the only one.