Moms, Please Stop Defending Your Sons’ Trash Actions

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Photo by John Matychuk on Unsplash

This week’s post I was going to talk about ‘stanning’ problematic artist, but I felt the responsibility to talk about something more prevalent to what’s happening or what happened in our government recently. Specifically who got appointed to be part of the Supreme Court.  


We know him, we despise him, Brett Kavanaugh. As if the news of him being now part of the Supreme Court judge wasn’t depressing enough, #MomsForKavanaugh was just the tip of the iceberg. I was not only let down by our government (you know that saying disappointed but not surprise), I was also let down by mothers too. I was more disappointed (and surprised) by this because this just circles back to what is known. Some mothers will overlook anything for their sons. Stop this, also your son’s actions reflect on you as a parent. How can you not teach your son about consent and basic respect for people.


Moms For Kavanaugh was created by Catholic Vote and released a sentimental video about moms and sons then goes onto defending Kavanaugh and standing with the #HimToo movement. Since the ad got released it’s been deleted, probably because of backlash. I managed to find an account that re-uploaded the video, watch it here.


Now that you’ve watched the video. That was something right? These are just some of the few questions I have for these moms. What if it was your daughter in Christine’s position? Better yet what if it was YOU? Would you still be for Brett Kavanaugh? Think about your children equally, between your son and daughter, whose life would really be ruined? Whose the one actually impacted in this situation?


Just because Brett Kavanaugh is someone’s son and has gone ‘far in life’ DOES NOT excuse what he did. These moms should feel ashamed to support his actions. How can you support someone who sexually assaulted someone just because of how far they are into their career.


Stop babying your sons and start teaching them about consent and how to treat people. Raise boys and girls the same, actually don’t gender-ize them but just raise them to respect people’s boundaries and understand that no means no. I’m not a mom so maybe I have no say on how to raise kids, but I really hope I never let my son’s actions slide just because he’s my son.


Here are some interesting tweets I found, that I thought were relevant to today’s topic.

Tweet No. 1: It’s a really scary time for dudes right now. So I wrote a song about it. Lynzy Lab

Tweet No. 2: That was my mom. Pieter Hanson , Mom’s tweet


Side note and food for thought: ever since this decision was made I’ve just thought this system is broken, they don’t care about us. Then I realized the system isn’t broken the system was built by old rich white men with power. The system is working just how they white cis men with power on top and the minorities on the bottom of everything. This recent decision just shows our government still doesn’t care about minorities

I’m so distraught over everything that’s happening in this country and in the world in general. I would say I hope this post urges you to raise your kids to treat other equally and be respectful, but I don’t know if you have kids or even wants kids. That’s on you! I just urge to register to vote and vote, It’s important, you even do it online here.