This is a picture of two hands behind a bar code as if it was a jail cell.

Philadelphia Eagles Fight Mass Incarceration

Mass incarceration is an ongoing issue throughout the United States, and Philadelphia has some of the highest incarceration rates in the country. Many of those incarcerated simply cannot pay their bail, so they are forced to live out their sentence in jail. Research from Princeton found that black defendants are more often than not subject to higher bail and longer… Read more →

5 Holiday Gift Ideas That Give Back

Christmas over the years has gone from being a religious festival only for families willing to celebrate Jesus’ birth to a holiday of extreme materialism with most only caring about the superficial art of gift giving.  Well sense its apparently the season of giving not receiving, why not give a gift that also gives back? Spend your money on a… Read more →

picture of first thanksgiving

The Truth About Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Day, a humbling day that is most often spent with loved ones. The people you hold closest sit around a table and express their gratitude for one another by all gathering for dinner. Of course we all know why we celebrate this holiday, it was the day the pilgrims sat down with the Native Americans and shared a meal… Read more →